Kamis, 22 November 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Resensi Film The Expendable

Release Date
August 13, 2010
Sylvester Stallone
Dave Callaham, Sylvester Stallone
Avi Lerner, Kevin King Templeton,
John Thompson, Robert Earl
US$80 million
Official Site

Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Terry Crews, Eric Roberts, Steve Austin, Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger

Create Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), Yin Yang (Jet Li), Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), Hale Caesar (Terry Crews), and Toll Road (Randy Couture) is not a dangerous mission for a new job. They are a team of mercenaries who have traveled the world doing the impossible task of government.
When the offer came to do a mission in Vilena, Barney, the leader, thinks that this is a common mission. This mission is actually offered in the Trench (Arnold Schwarzenegger), but because the Trench had another agenda, Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) to give this mission to Barney and his team. Its mission is simple, Barney and his team just have to overthrow the rule of General Garza (David Zayas), the brutal dictator. Because no longer believe in Gunnar, Gunnar Barney was forced to lay off.
In pursuing this mission will be led by Sandra Barney (Gisele ItiĆ©) who was a daughter of General Garza did not agree on the actions of his father. Unfortunately, this mission gets complicated because Garza has received the support of CIA agent named James Munroe (Eric Roberts). When the mission fell apart and caught Sandra Barney had no choice but to run at the same time Barney also feel guilty for leaving Sandra, especially when Tool (Mickey Rourke) reveals his personal story while in Bosnia.
Do not want wracked with guilt, Barney decided to return to save Sandra. Presumably the members of the Barney did not want to let them back their own boss and began the rescue mission is not only dangerous but the risk of total failure. Moreover, there was a dissenter in the Barney team.

Bit of this story was obviously familiar to fans of action movies. The same story also offered many previous films, including THE LOSERS we just enjoy. If the story could be called mediocre, then what is the power of THE EXPENDABLES? The answer is clear the players. This is an action movie all stars! Unfortunately, it only offered Stalloneini film was made by Sylvester.
Without casting sparkling like this, it could be The Expendables will just end up like most action movies are made straight ti DVD. With a scenario that could be considered generic, plus the lack of character building in making this film was so pure treat for the eyes.Stallone was like he was trying to give a large portion of the same for all stars Arnold Schwarzenegger danBruce although Willis only gets a cameo role only.
About acting, it's Stallone film but to be honest, that actually looks even more radiant Statham followed by a character Lundgren, Jet Li, and Rourke. The rest was mediocre. But since this is an action movie, so it seems like all of the above considerations can be ruled out. During much blood spilled, the bomb explodes, the corpse lay, and the heroes who beat each other, the audience must have been satisfied. (MPA / roc)


Sylvester Stallone,Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren,Randy Couture, Terry Crews, Eric Roberts,Steve Austin, Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis,Arnold Schwarzenegger
Buat Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), Yin Yang (Jet Li), Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), Hale Caesar (Terry Crews), dan Toll Road (Randy Couture) misi berbahaya bukanlah pekerjaan baru. Mereka adalah tim serdadu bayaran yang telah melanglang buana mengerjakan tugas yang tak mungkin dilakukan pemerintah.
Saat muncul tawaran untuk melakukan sebuah misi di Vilena, Barney, sang pemimpin, mengira bahwa ini adalah misi biasa. Misi ini sebenarnya ditawarkan pada Trench (Arnold Schwarzenegger) namun karena Trench punya agenda lain, Mr Church (Bruce Willis) memberikan misi ini pada Barney dan timnya. Misinya sederhana, Barney dan timnya hanya harus menggulingkan kekuasaan Jenderal Garza (David Zayas), sang diktator brutal. Karena tak lagi percaya pada Gunnar, Barney terpaksa memberhentikan Gunnar.
Dalam menjalankan misi ini Barney akan dipandu oleh Sandra (Gisele ItiƩ) yang ternyata adalah putri Jenderal Garza yang tak setuju pada tindakan ayahnya. Sayangnya misi ini jadi rumit karena Garza ternyata mendapat dukungan dari agen CIA bernama James Munroe (Eric Roberts). Saat misi jadi berantakan dan Sandra tertangkap Barney tak punya pilihan untuk lari namun di saat yang sama Barney juga merasa bersalah telah meninggalkan Sandra, terutama saat Tool (Mickey Rourke) mengungkapkan kisah pribadinya saat di Bosnia.
Tak ingin didera perasaan bersalah, Barney memutuskan kembali untuk menyelamatkan Sandra. Agaknya para anggota Barney tak mau membiarkan atasan mereka kembali sendiri dan dimulailah misi penyelamatan yang bukan hanya berbahaya namun berisiko gagal total. Apalagi ternyata ada pembelot di dalam tim Barney.
Sekelumit kisah di atas jelas sudah akrab di telinga para penggemar film laga. Kisah yang sama juga ditawarkan banyak film sebelumnya, termasuk THE LOSERS yang baru saja kita nikmati. Kalau kisah bisa disebut biasa-biasa saja, lantas apa kekuatan THE EXPENDABLESini? Jawabnya jelas para pemainnya. Ini adalah film laga all stars! Sayangnya, hanya itu yang ditawarkan film besutan Sylvester Stalloneini.
Tanpa casting berkilau seperti ini, bisa jadi THE EXPENDABLES hanya akan berakhir seperti kebanyakan film laga yang dibuat straight ti DVD. Dengan skenario yang bisa dibilang generik, plus pembentukan karakter yang kurang dalam membuat film ini memang murni jadi suguhan buat mata. Stallone pun seolah berusaha memberikan porsi yang sama besar untuk semua bintang walaupun Arnold Schwarzenegger danBruce Willis hanya kebagian peran cameo saja.
Soal akting, ini memang film Stallone tapi kalau mau jujur, sebenarnya malah Statham yang terlihat lebih bersinar diikuti oleh karakter LundgrenJet Li, dan Rourke. Selebihnya terasa biasa-biasa saja. Namun karena ini memang film laga, jadi sepertinya semua pertimbangan di atas bisa dikesampingkan. Selama banyak darah berceceran, bom meledak, mayat bergelimpangan, dan para jagoan yang saling hajar, penonton pasti sudah puas.(kpl/roc)

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